How To Obtain A Professional Broadcasting Voice Mix
We know there’s a lot of people starting their own broadcasting shows nowadays so we decided to tackle a very important matter with our next tutorial: obtaining a professional broadcasting voice when recording your sessions.
If need further explanation press play and pay attention right in the beginning of the video and if this managed to get your attention let’s see how we can create that type of effect when processing and mixing recordings. The whole process is based on creating the right assets for your voice so let’s see what the first step is.
Start by loading a EQ and focus on filtering the low-ends on your recording so you’ll have a good starting point to apply what’s coming next. Start EQ-s will do and you can use the High Pass to set it somewhere at 60 Hz. Start by using a standard Compressor next and make sure the Attack is really fast just like the Release.
The second compression should be used for the overall level so repeat the operation and this time the Attack can be around 5, the Hold around 3 with the Release being able to be a lot longer (somewhere around 400). Play a part of your recording and make sure you got your levels straight until this point.Normally, up until this point you should lose around 20 Db on your voiceover and usually this is what a compressor stands for when used. Last but not least put up a final EQ and boost it around 200 Hz and play the recording to find out how it sounds.
This usually comes with a bit of warm so your voice becomes really friendly for the listeners. Also, don’t be afraid to play around with the background noise and load other features to improve your sounds. This should be used especially if you have music playing in the background and you can actually play around with it as much as you want. As a matter of fact you can make this type of recording have a radio effect and that will improve your broadcast sound for the listeners almost instantly.
Press play for the rest of this tutorial to find out how to make that and let us know if you managed to implement the steps necessary to obtain a professional broadcasting voice. More tutorials coming sooner than you think but until then enjoy this one!